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Medication Management Service

Medication organisers, Websters, Medico Packs, Dosing Administration Aids

Dosing Administration Aids

At Health E Advice Chemist, we offer medication organisers to help with the complexities of ensuring medications are taken correctly and regularly. These medication organisers are suited to the time poor individuals right through to the individuals needing that extra help to organise all their tablets.


Benefits of the Medication Organiser include:

  • Convenient way to manage medications. Takes away the hassle of working out how many tablets at what frequency (once a day, twice a day etc)

  • Easily identifies if a medication has been missed for the day

  • Reduces the need to fill prescriptions before the medications run out, ensuring less missed doses

  • Medication organisers are discreet, sealed and transportable


Medication Organisers are packed fortnightly, and can be picked up fortnightly from the pharmacy or delivered. They cost $3.50 per week plus the cost of the medications packed.


If you or a loved one would like to start this service today, please organise for an up to date medication chart from your doctor along with any prescriptions necessary for continued therapy. Bring them into the pharmacy and we can organise for a pack to start as soon as possible.


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